Venturing Forth

Home Entertainment Apps

Something useful in everyday life

How to install a complete Kolab mail server at home

This a complete setup guide to get Kolab Community working properly on a virtualized CentOS 7 machine on a QNAP NAS. This specific case covers the installation on a QNAP TS-453A unit on the native Virtualization Station provided as an add-on to QTS 4.2.2. However, previous versions of QTS will work as well. If you …

How to install a complete Kolab mail server at home Read More »

server diagnostics

Why setting up a home server and what you can get out of it

How about rigging up a home server to host all the services that you normally buy and that sum up to hundreds dollars a month? This page discursively describes the requirements and the rationale behind choosing which home server for your home. When I recently moved into my new house to grow my family I …

Why setting up a home server and what you can get out of it Read More »