Venturing Forth

Home Server Software & Tweaks

All about OS and server functionality, tweaks and setup

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Specialist Filebot naming scheme for the best experience with Kodi

I eventually succeeded setting up Filebot to have almost zero errors when importing my video library into Kodi Leia. Recently, Filebot has added a conventional naming scheme, called {kodi} to simplify as much as possible the process of importing files into Kodi and have it digest and classify them correctly. Recently, Filbot passed also to …

Specialist Filebot naming scheme for the best experience with Kodi Read More »


Install CentOS 7-8 on a QNAP Virtual Machine

This article describes how to rig up a CentOS 7 virtual machine on a QNAP NAS equipped with Virtualization Station. First off, make sure you have all the necessary elements installed into the administration environment, namely Container Station and Virtualization Station. Here under you can find a screenshot taken from my administration page of my …

Install CentOS 7-8 on a QNAP Virtual Machine Read More »

How to install a complete Kolab mail server at home

This a complete setup guide to get Kolab Community working properly on a virtualized CentOS 7 machine on a QNAP NAS. This specific case covers the installation on a QNAP TS-453A unit on the native Virtualization Station provided as an add-on to QTS 4.2.2. However, previous versions of QTS will work as well. If you …

How to install a complete Kolab mail server at home Read More »

server diagnostics

Why setting up a home server and what you can get out of it

How about rigging up a home server to host all the services that you normally buy and that sum up to hundreds dollars a month? This page discursively describes the requirements and the rationale behind choosing which home server for your home. When I recently moved into my new house to grow my family I …

Why setting up a home server and what you can get out of it Read More »